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Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Conservative 12's

Kyle here to break the metaphorical ice with a polar bear blog post.  Things have been going great in Champaigne, the weather is starting to warm up and the kids are starting to play outside again.  Personally, I’ve spent an exceptional amount of time playing 007 GoldenEye on N64…my mother never let me play as a kid due to the excessive violence, so I’m trying to make up for the gaping hole in my childhood.  It’s a good a thing I wasn’t allow to play as a kid though, I’d probably would have turned violent and ended up doing time in a juvenile prison (FORESHADOWING)….now you have to keep reading.

About a week ago, our good friend Amir kindly informed us that a good amount of the SigEp 13’s think us remaining 12’s are too conservative, hence the name “Conservative 12’s” and incredibly creative title that pulled you into this post’s body copy.  Honestly, I always thought we were pushing the limits while watching High School Musical and Love Actually in room 24, but I guess everything is subjective.  It’s not easy being edgy when you don’t fully understand to local culture.  Regardless, Monday night we had an exchange with the ladies of KKG, and everyone found out just how conservative we can be.  13’s, stop writing on CollegeACB and pay attention.

After a little pregaming at the house, we were ready to go.  All of room 25 was in attendance with Me, Clay, and Cuzman.  Kirby represented 24, Saki and Goldblatt from 22, and all of 26 (Kevin ‘No Nights Off’ Lyznicki, Tim “Fat Sandwich” Schultz, Scott “The Voice” Rasley).  The theme was something along the lines of “Country Club,” so most of us dressed in our best golfing attire.  Clay and Kirby stuck it to the theme by dressing as Bill Murray from Caddyshack and a lifeguard respectively.  Take that theme.  Notice the motif of badassness developing.

The atmosphere at the High Dive was great.  To my disappointment, there was no diving board or pool like I had imagined.  Back home, all the local bars are required to have such materials…chalk it up to cultural difference.  I was wearing a light yellow golf polo, and matched perfectly with Henry and at least 6 of the girls.  You better believe I played that card all night. 

I was sitting in a booth with my roommates, chatting up a few girls that we had just met.  Desperate for topics, we joked around about how all our names started with the same sound (Colin Cuzman, Clay Carns, Kyle…..Goethals L).  Shortly after sitting down, we received word that Kirby had been kicked out of High Dive.  As part of his lifeguard costume he had a whistle that he was frequently blowing, and the staff at High Dive wasn’t happy about it.  Kirby was given a warning, but he just loved blowing too much.  He tried to trade his whistle for the chance to stay in the bar, but the bouncers obviously weren’t interested in the barter.  We had been there no longer than 30mins, and Kirby was kicking the curb of downtown Champaigne in a swimsuit and t-shirt.  And a whistle.

To fast forward through the rest of Kirby’s night, he was lucky to get a ride home with Nick Fuson.  When he got home, he continued to drink alone in his room, much like an alcoholic would do.  This resulted in Kirby blacking out, forgetting Mia Carter’s name, and things of that nature.  To say the least, it was a very conservative night for Kirby.

So we’re back at the High Dive.  We were having a great time, and Tamasauskas was pouring an inappropriately high amount of alcohol into our drinks as the bartender.  I’m not 21, so that made it not only inappropriate, but illegal.  Finally, we decided it was time to hit up the dance floor.  If you’ve ever been to High Dive, you know that it is basically split into two sides, allowing two exchanges to be going on at once.  If you’ve never been there, you have no idea what I’m talking about.  Our exchange was on the left side, and Delta Chi + SDT were on the side with the dance floor.  Initially, there were some problems with the D Chi’s allowing us on their side to dance, but eventually they were kind enough to allow us to bust moves with them….but it was a trap.  

Before I go into details about what happened on the dance floor, refer below to the guide for proper SigEp insulting techniques

The Fraternity Guide to Insulting SigEps
1. Be Creative – Try to use material I haven’t heard before.  Yes, I’m aware we don’t have traditional pledgeship and therefore we are logically a sorority and logically have vaginas and logically like kissing dudes.  If you want to insult me, do your consumer research and present a creative argument that causes me to question my life decisions.  Something along the lines of “SigEps have a terrible taste for the fashion trends of the day and breaths that smell of old goat cheese” would probably make me start crying.
2. Reference Quantifiable Data – Use statistics, awards, and commendations to back up your bold claim of being in a superior fraternity.  Examples would include referencing your 2nd highest GPA on campus, having most active members on campus, numberous IM titles, most philanthropy hours of RSOs on campus, details about your exceptional social calendar, and leadership positions outside of the fraternity.  But just don’t use those specific examples, cause they’re already taken.  By SigEp. Not sorry.
3. Convince Me You’re Cool – Just like you would in a interview, you need to first convince me you’re cool before you can insult me.  If Justin Timberlake were to insult me, I would immediately admit defeat and head over to the corner to cry….because JT is cool.  I hope I never experience this.  If you’re a poopy-looking underclassmen wearing a polo with a popped collar, you’d better have one hell of a personality if you want me to feel sad. 

Ok, sorry for the delay in the story, I just wanted to throw that guide in for the sake of organizations comprised of exclusively male membership.  Print it out and carry it around in your wallet if you think that would prove helpful.

As mentioned above, the urge to dance had come upon us and we had to give in.  I headed over to the dance floor with a few people to shake ma booty, and was only dancing for about 5 mins before the DJ announced that the first SigEp bus had arrived to take people home.  This didn’t really concern me, seeing as I am old enough to take the last bus should I chose to do so.  However, immediately following this argument, a D Chi on the dance floor starting to make pledgeship jokes with the obvious intention of people hearing him.  It was dumb and definitely didn’t follow the guidelines posted above, some comment that linked not having traditional pledgeship to getting on an early bus.  The logic still escapes me.  Anyway I recognized I had a slight size and maturity advantage, and confronted the kid.  A few words were exchanged, he shoved me, but people pushed us any from each other very quickly.  I cooled down and starting talking to the girl that had gotten between us.  I told her she was right pushing us away from each other, and didn’t want trouble.  I told her I wouldn’t get into a fight.  In retrospect, I lied.

Well, as it turned out, the D Chi was looking for trouble.  While talking to the girl about how fighting was bad for our image and not nice, the D Chi circled around the dance floor towards me.  I saw him right as he was giving me a blatant shoulder nudge in passing.  At this point in the story, I would to mention I’ve never been in a fight before or hit anyone.  I would also like to mention there is a first time for everything.  Finally fed up with this dude’s antics, I wheeled around and delivered a left handed blow to the face (I’m left handed).  He staggered backwards, and Thometz was about to attack him at well when this huge bouncer grabbed the kid.  The DChi tried to fight the bouncer, and if you’ve ever seen a bouncer before, you’d know that’s a terrible idea.  The bouncer slammed the kid to the ground, and ultimately escorted him from the premises.  I continued to dance and mingle with friends and family.

For me, the rest of the night was pretty great.  I hung out with Kappas wearing the same color shirt as me, danced my pants off with Miles Medina at Red Lion, and made the healthy late-night choice of Fat Sandwich.  Upon my return to the house, I was filled in on the rest of the night’s details.  The DChis were somewhat displeased at the occurrences of the exchange, so one member did the logical thing and literally threw a brick through a window at the Sig Ep house.  Luckily, the brick broke the window to the right of the door, which only leads to a storage closet…I mean shit, I’ll throw a brick through that window.  Anyways, at the sound of the shattering glass, Robbie, Saki, and Goldblatt took off after the kid, and captured him in the six pack.  Police came, and the kid spent the night at jail. Naked.  Ok I’m kidding about the birthday suit, don’t be ridiculous.  But I’ve never been to jail so I don’t know.

Oh when I went back to my room the door was locked, and there was a girl inside.  Cuzman was probably playing 007 on multiplayer or something…

That was a long story….well sorry for entertaining you for an extended period of time.  So a quick recap of 12’s activities from the night: Kirby got tossed from a bar, I punched a kid, Robbie/Saki/Goldfrat jailed a dude, and Cuzman locked his door. 

Just another mellow night for the Conservative 12’s.
